The application allows rapid power and sample size analysis for a variety of genetic association tests by specification of a few key parameters [Derkach et al. 2017]. Power and sample size calculations can be done at the level of single variant for simple trend test, at the level of a genes/regions for various complex aggregated tests [Neale et al. 2011, Derkach et al. 2013, Wu et al. 2011, Madsen and Browning 2009] and at the level of the whole genome for the assessment of overall yield of a study. The calculations currently use underlying distribution of gene size and minor allele frequencies of variants observed in the in the public data for 60,000 individuals from Exome Aggregation Consortium [Lek et al. 2016].

Haoyu Zhang
Haoyu Zhang
Earl Stadtman tenure-track investigator

My research interests include statistical genetics, causal mediation analysis and risk prediction.